
Showing posts from May, 2021

Desert Rats 50k

  Ok before I get into actual race day, a bit of background info: 1. This school year is....hmmm, what's the best word suitable for the internet?  Challenging.  Since going back to in-person school in January, I have not run during the week.  My training consisted of my weekend long runs and my Monday strength class. 😳 2.  After my last big event, I bought new shoes.  I run in Hokas, Stintson for trail and Arahi for road.  I saw how much cushion there was in the Bondi so I switched back to them for the road. (I had run in Bondis about 2 years back.) During February and March my Achilles started bothering me more and more.  I typically battle Achilles tendinitis off and on and they usually are angry the day after 15+ miles.  However by late March, my Achilles were bothering me DURING runs.  I finally made the connection to the shoes. Maaaybe it was the shoes.  So I didn't wear them for two weeks while resting the Achilles. Then I t...