What they don't tell you: The Aftermath
Finish Line Bliss Look at that face. I was, and still am, so very happy. I still can't believe how difficult it was. I mean I knew going in it would be harder than anything else I had ever done but wow. It was challenging both physically and mentally. The finish line was a fog of happiness and pain. My legs were so stiff, my balance was gone and my brain was about three steps behind. I kept staring at the buckle thinking, OMG I did it! The first post race challenge came when they brought the car around. I was able to sit. Ok, it was more of a flop into the seat but I got there. They had to take my legs, as I had zero strength left in the tank, and pivot me into the car. We propped my legs up on the dash because my legs below the knees were visibly swollen. Lisa and Michelle walked the path back to the other car at Crew City while Kirsten drove me back to the VRBO. As we were driving out of the park...