The Great Build Up

View from our Shake Out Run
Holy Banana Pancakes! The lead up to this event was nuts.  COVID caused so many challenges.  The course changed but due to the possibility of more changes it wasn't released to us until three weeks out.  Also, finding pacers and crew willing to fly across the country during a pandemic was a huge challenge.  I was one of the lucky ones as I actually was able to get help.  Some runners had to attempt the 100 solo which I can not even fathom.  

Actually flying there was super stressful.  American Airlines cut out flights.  I am very lucky I had already planned to fly out Wednesday and give myself the extra day.  Good thing I did! The changes left us on entirely full flights and long layovers.  

I think the most "amusing" part of flying were the American Airlines ramps leading to the planes had markings of 6 feet apart. Of course the moment we sat down on the plane we were shoulder-to-shoulder. 

Despite all the stress of making plans and travelling once we settled in Wednesday night, Thursday was actually a nice somewhat relaxing day!  Michelle made us breakfast burritos (She is a food blogger so everything she made was amazing.  Seriously.  I am spoiled for life.  Check out her blog HERE.) 

Michelle and Lisa went back to Walmart for supplies and surprise decorations.  Lisa and I headed out on a gorgeous shake out run on the dirt roads by our VRBO.  Then we headed to town for packet pick up.  

We arrived at The Creeper Cottages in Damascus, VA for packet pickup.  WOW, I heard Yeti was known for great swag but wow.  Here is a list of items we got with our bib:

  • tech hat 
  • trucker hat
  • t shirt
  • earrings
  • socks
  • 2 Yeti pins
  • 2 key chains
  • lots of stickers
There were two sites where crew could set up.  We opted for what became known as Crew City because it had a bathroom and super easy trail access.  The forecast looked terrible for that night and all the next day.  We set up the tent, weighed it down as much as possible and hoped for the best.  Good thing we set it up because if they had to set it up the next morning in the rain that would have been sad.  

The day flew by and suddenly it was time for an early dinner. Michelle made us gnocchi and I put out "Flat Erica" for the morning.  Kirsten arrived around 8pm and we were all together.  

Kirsten and I had practiced the body glue and KT Tape two weeks prior.  With the body glue, the KT tape stayed on through showers and runs for days.  So late that evening we put the tape on my likely chafe spots and on my Achilles because they were being temperamental the last month and my heels because I tend to blister there on longer runs.  Little did we know running through 15 hours of mostly continuous but sometimes intermittent rain would prove to be too much for the body glue and KT tape.  Ah well, it was a good idea.  

The entire day was so surreal.  How was it possible that it was finally race week?!? 

By this point it was almost 11pm and it was time to at least pretend to sleep.  I was completely awake.  I knew I was doomed going into it.  I did one last gear check and then got into bed.  


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