Goal Set and Met!

10 half marathons in 2017!

      The idea of 10 halves in 2017 did not start in January.  Actually, my goal was originally to run the Prairie Dog Half Marathon Race Series.  This is a great series of half marathons- one each season in a different town.  (Winter-Louisville, Spring-Arvada, Summer-Castle Rock, Fall-Westminster) My goal was to eventually run a half marathon without being totally spent for the day.  Then I added on the Spring Equinox in March and then I decided to run the Slacker Half in June and it snowballed from there!  It was not until August that I realized I was set to run 8 half marathons and that was ridiculously close to ten.  So, I searched for two last runs during the last few months of the year.

       On December 8th I packed my hydration pack with Ultima Electrolyte Powder and a buffet of nutrition (still trying to get nutrition right).  I did a final check of the weather and laid out Flat Erica.  The next morning we rolled out of the house to run.  I think the best part of this last race was not the amazingly temperate weather nor seeing two coyotes up on a hill at the start but that fact that I had a running buddy.  My sister Kirsten drove up from Colorado Springs to run with me.  Having a running buddy is seriously a game changer.  I first experienced this at the Wilderness Backcountry Half when I ran the last 5 or so miles with a friend.  Kirsten had been training since September to run and she decided she was going to help me with my pace consistency for this race.  So, she stuck with me!  It was so great.  We chatted the entire time.

      I felt really good for most of the race.  It was not until the last 5ish miles that the uphills started to feel challenging.  I was frustrated that my pace fell from the 12s down into the 13s for those last miles.  However, overall I was really happy because I was not a train wreck the rest of the day and we had a lot of fun.  Plus, it was my tenth half marathon for the year so I had just accomplished a big goal.

      Also, this was the first event where I felt a real difference in training.  I felt stronger and I have to admit, stronger is waaaaay more fun! I am looking forward to how I will feel after a few more months of training!

2017 Half Marathon Race medals:
January- Prairie Dog Half, Louisville
March- Equinox Half, Fort Collins 
April- Prairie Dog Half, Arvada
June- Slacker Half, Loveland
July- Prairie Dog Half, Castle Rock
August- Erie Half, Erie
September- Prairie Dog Half, Westminster
October- Westy Half, Westminster
November- Backcountry Wilderness Half, Lone Tree
December, All Out Fa LaLa Half, Westminster


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