I've had the pleasure of crewing a few times now. First at the Dirty30 in 2019, then the Bear Chase 50k in September of 2021 and most recently at the NorthFork 50 miler in June of 2022. All of them were very different experiences with varying degrees of responsibility.
Dirty 30 June 2019 |
The Dirty 30 is a 50k trail race held in Golden Gate Canyon State Park each year. With over 7,000 feet of climbing,
this race is a doozy. For this event, I was mainly
a driver and cheerleader. I followed their progress
by taking the shuttles from aide station to aide station.
I helped out a little here and there when I saw them
but for the most part I cheered them on in my cow
and unicorn onesies. Here is what I said about it on Facebook right after the event,
"Today I experienced the cheering/crewing side
of an ultra. It was unbelievable. It brought me
such joy to support these runners all day.
Watching each and every one of them finish was just icing on the cake! I am so freakin' proud of them."
Finishers with their posters made by some of my students. |
Next up was the Bear Chase 50k in September of 2021. This is a loop course in Bear Creek Lake Park; so, Debby and I manned the pop up tent as the runners looped three times. As our runners came through, we helped with refilling their packs, applying sunscreen and giving pep talks as needed.
This day was extra special as Betty, Paula and David were first time ultra finishers!!!
Bill, Paula and Betty took home AG awards! How fun is that?!?
All of us are ambassadors for 3W Races. I love how this company has become my run family.
"Do What You Can
When You Can
Where You Are!"
Onesies, puppies and personal aide station for the win! |
Most recently, my SIL and I crewed for my sister while she ran the North Fork 50 miler. This is a trail ultra held in Pine, Colorado every June. It was her first ultra.
We jumped from aide station to aide station and helped refill her pack, attempted to problem solve IT Band issues and give moral support.
I think what was most challenging about this crew experience was that after mile 36 we were not able to see her. We had no idea what was happening, we could not give anymore help or even pep talks. It was all on her. We just had to wait.
On the flip side, there was a chunk of time at the start before we could see her so Marissa, Tonks and I helped with course sweeping. It was only a few miles but it was really fun and felt good to volunteer even in a small way.
I passionately enjoy crewing for friends. It feels good to help when I can and it is thrilling to watch them finish. It is surprising just how emotional the challenges and celebrations feel. One of these days I hope to pace. I have some very special memories with my pacers and I would love to pay that forward.
The finish line is just the part of the iceberg you can see- the months and months of training they put into race day is inspiring! |
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